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Location Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture

Uses Sweets and bread classes

Structure / construction method ―

Floor area ―㎡

Construction type Interior design

Construction ―

Shooting of design

A residential area in Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture.

Using the LDK at the home of a couple who runs a bakery in the neighborhood of their home, it was renovated into a bread and sweets class. We will teach you how to make rye bread and sweets that you trained in Germany according to your wishes. Taking advantage of the existing space, we created a face-to-face kitchen and created an interior design that makes heavy use of tiles and indirect lighting. In addition, the solarium will be expanded to make you feel closer to the greenery.


サンルームを増設 カフェスペースとしても利用



オリジナルのコーヒーテーブル 材質と塗装をサンルームと合わせた天板は大理石とガラスのモザイクタイル

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