Designing houses, stores, etc. based in Chuo-ku, Niigata City
Air Flap
Location Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture
Dedicated housing
Structure / construction method Wooden 2nd floor / conventional construction method
Floor area 161.57㎡
Construction type New construction
Construction ㈲ Hiroi Architecture
Obdesign's first design supervision property
The countryside of Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture, has a scenic landscape. It has a long history as a village and has protected the land for generations. Nowadays, we only make vegetables that we consume on our own with the change of generations, but it exceeds the scale of the vegetable garden. The site is strip-shaped with a frontage of about 10m and a depth of 80m or more, which is a rare shape for a residential land. Due to the convenience of living in an old house when constructing a new building, it will be set back a considerable distance from the living road, and a garden of about 30 m will be created. I proposed a large space for the garden. We set up a drastic opening and raised the ceiling of the LDK by half a floor, while keeping the ceiling height of the other rooms low so that the space would not be larger than necessary.
アルミパネルで仕上げた玄関引き戸 | |
LDKは天井高さを3.3m確保し、そのほかの部屋は2.2mと低く抑えメリハリのある空間を心がけた | 仏間と和室はLDKからつづき間となっている |
廊下の建築化照明は壁面に反射させることでより明るく感じる | 浴室洗面所はガラスで仕切ることで1ルームの広がりを見せる |